NEW FOR 2022!
The emphasis is on a complete performance and presentation, rather than solely a study of music, and will show ability in acting, singing, dancing and choreographic skills. Performances must show implicit dramatic content with portrayal of characters and their motivations. This is an opportunity to explore style, form and character through communicating the dramatic context of a musical text. Extracts from plays may be edited to create dialogue moving into musical scenes. (see copyright rules).
CD Player and Piano are provided.
All performance must be from memory and clearly introduced.
A suggestion of costume and minimal hand-props will be permitted.
Please note some classes may take place in the evening.
We reserve the right to cancel classes, restrict the number of entries into classes or limit audience numbers should it be necessary. Please check the website for regular updates.
The Festival does not accept liability for the infringement of copyright recording or performing rights arising out of an entrant’s accompaniment or performance. It contributes to a group licence to cover payment of fees for the use of recorded music at its events. Teachers and choreographers using tapes created from commercial recordings are advised that they are themselves responsible for seeking permission to re-record from the recording companies concerned. Performers or teachers with queries on how to obtain copyright permission for performance items should contact Festivals House (British and International Federation of Festivals) on 01625 428297 or email at before making their entries.
The use of photo or other facsimile copies of printed material without the publisher’s permission is forbidden as contrary to law. However, when material is part of a volume and not published separately, a copy may be made for the Adjudicator, provided that the entrant has already purchased a copy. The photocopy will then be retained and destroyed by the Festival.
Chairs and a table will be provided.
A copy of the musical track you will be using should be sent in advance. The CD should contain one instrumental track only. All CD’s should be clearly marked with the class/number of the entrant.
Minimal props and a suggestion of costume essential to the action of the character may be used. N.B. Full stage costume is discouraged and may contravene copyright.
Please provide a copy of the script and music for the Adjudicator and a further copy of the script for the CD operator.
Time limits must be strictly observed. Introductions are not included in the time limit and 2 minutes are allowed for set up.
Dimensions – 4.3m long x 2.4m wide
FEES: Solo: £6.00 Duo: £ 8.00 Group: £2.00 per person to maximum £16.00
To present a short piece of dialogue or a piece of devised text with a performance in character of a song from Musical Theatre or Film. The performance should include some movement. In Group Classes items may be linked by a theme.
MT1 MUSICAL THEATRE; 12 years and under: SOLO Time Limit 4 mins
MT2 MUSICAL THEATRE; 13 – 18 years: SOLO Time Limit 6 mins
MT3 MUSICAL THEATRE; 12 years and under; DUO Time Limit: 6 mins
MT4 MUSICAL THEATRE; 13 years – 18 years; DUO Time Limit: 8 mins
MT5 MUSICAL THEATRE; 18 years and under; max 10 people Time Limit 15 mins
We reserve the right to cancel classes, restrict the number of entries into classes or limit audience number should it be necessary. Please check the website for regular updates.